Turn up the lights Richton Praise in the park
November 2, 2019
PRAISE 2019 is an annual event held in the Richton City Park and sponsored by local churches and businesses. Our goal is to bring our community together in a night of worship that is set in a family-friendly atmosphere while still creating an environment for an encounter with the Father.
Night of Worship
- Nov. 2nd - Saturday 6:00PM - 10:00PM -
- Doors open 5:00PM -
The park is an outdoor grassy area. We strongly encourage that you bring lawn chairs. Seating location will be a first-come basis. VIP ticket purchasers will be allowed early entrance into the park at 4:00 pm for first choice of seating, then at 5:00 pm general admission ticket purchasers will be allowed into the park. We do not recommend blankets as your view may be hindered by people seated in front of you in lawn chairs.